Posted in Photography at 1:26 pm by Michelle
So, all the hard work paid off, and Los Angeles was a blast! The exhibition looks fabulous; Freestyle really went to town on it!
The opening was a little slow – believe it or not, it *rained* that evening, which apparently freaks Los Angelinos out. But many folks came and enjoyed the work, bought books, and introduced themselves. Fun!
The talk on Saturday was just perfect. 46 people had signed up (including a long waiting list), and the crowd was standing room only. It was a really great captive audience, who watched and listened to my presentation, asked great questions, and had me sign books.
I also lucked out to be in town for the opening party of the Julia Dean Workshops‘ new space, right on the beach in Venice, and am talking with them about teaching for their next session.
While I was in LA, had to play tourist just a little; went to the La Brea Tar Pits (I remember that from when I was young…) and the Getty, trotted down Rodeo Drive (which was much easier to swallow at night, when all the stores were closed and the ridiculously expensive jewelry gone from the windows), and experienced hellish LA traffic. The best part was the spectacular view from the Getty; I’ve never seen LA from up high before.
Next, gearing up for the Society for Photographic Education conference in Miami in a couple of weeks.
This is about 1/2 of the show, at the Creative Center for Photography, at Freestyle’s Hollywood store.
This view greets visitors as they enter the store.
Me signing books after the talk. Lensbaby photo by Jer.
Posted in Photography at 10:32 pm by Michelle
Now that the prints – 28 of them! – are off in Fedex-land, I can start spreading the word.
My exhibition at Freestyle Photographic’s Creative Center for Photography opens this Thursday, Feb 22nd, from 6-8pm. Please stop by if you’re in the Hollywood neighborhood (5124 Sunset Blvd, to be exact)! The show will be up through April 22nd, which gives plenty of time to peruse the show (and shop in the store while you’re there!). I’m also giving a talk on Feb 24th, but it’s already full with a waiting list – how exciting!
Info about the show is at Freestyle’s website, and I have postcards as well.
The images are from two series: the first is kind of a “greatest hits” – the light-hearted goofy Holga pix that got me noticed. Second, and the bulk of the show, is more recent work featuring images that focus on those corners of cities where nature keeps on rolling, over, through and around the concrete jungle. Here are a couple of preivews, and there are many brand-new images as well!
Posted in Photography at 11:07 am by Michelle
I’m a social being, and I like social events that have to do with photography. So when I found myself in San Francisco when Photo LA was going to be happening, I decided to take a little side trip to La-La land to see what’s going on in the photo gallery world.
I’ve been to photo education conferences, trade shows, and portfolio reviews, but never one of the gallery shows. Definitely a different angle on the world of photography, and a valuable one. Here, galleries that specialize in photography from around the world set up booths with their best work on the walls, catering to collectors. You can see stunning prints by contemporary photographers and vintage prints from all eras. My favorites were big Sebastiao Salgado prints of penguins and icebergs (from his Genesis series), a series of images from Lucien Clergue and some old contact prints of products made in the midwest in the 1950s (who knew a paint can could look so beautiful?).
I took a workshop give by Center called “Center Thyself.” It featured several people in the gallery world talking about how to create your work and get it out in the world. My favorite presenter was Mark Pinsukanjana, who gave 16 great tips, including “Master your tools, Be open to whatever comes your way, Share what you know and learn from others, and Fix whatever you complain about the most.” There were several more great ones as well, and I was inspired by the last one to finally clean my office, where I am happily typing away, and not worrying about tripping over things.
I ran into a few people I know, including Mary Virginia Swanson, and got a copy of her new book, “The Business of Photography: Principles and Practice”, which is a must have for any photographer interested in the world of fine art photography. She knows it all, and is very generous in her sharing of knowledge; see her blog for all the latest photo contests and events.
Alan Griffiths had a booth set up to tout his website, Luminous-Lint, which is an enormous site dedicated to cataloguing the history of photogarphy. It’s got the photographers, genres, techniques, etc, all cross-linked. Sometime soon I’ll have an exhibition of Toy Camera Photography up there – I’ll post when it’s ready.
Well, I’m busy getting ready for the Freestyle show that opens on Feb 22nd. Stop by if you’re in the LA area. Next post will be the card and info. Lecture on Saturday the 24th.
Posted in Photography at 11:42 am by Michelle
So the last month has been a sort of incubation period; I’ve been recovering from all the parties, and the book has been spreading out into the world. With the enormous number of books out there (and being released every day), it’s a hard thing to get your book facing out and noticed. But things are starting to happen for “Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity.” Here are a few fun links:
First, I was interviewed by Alysha Sideman, who I met at Photo Plus Expo, for the professional photography website Imaging Info. Check out the full article with several photos.
The book is also for sale at Photo-Eye (a great online photo bookstore and gallery based in Santa Fe), which features images of several spreads from the book – BookTease! Looks like it spent a couple of weeks on Photo-Eye’s Bestseller List!
Two websites gave the book glowing recommendations:
Apogee Photo Magazine & Random Photo Blog and it got a nice mention in Communication Arts magazine (the kind on paper) too.
My three Amazon reviews are all 5 stars, and very enthusiastic (and no, I don’t know the reviewers!). Plus I’ve been occasionally showing up on the Amazon best seller list under Art & Photography: Photography: Equipment. Today I was number 99! Amazing the things that make us feel accomplished!
Here’s my favorite Amazon review:
Guide to the world of plastic photography., October 20, 2006
Reviewer: J. Nunamaker “jnsnapdragon” (Miami, Florida United States)
Without a doubt, the best all-around guide to plastic camera photography available. Well written, beautifully illustrated, informative yet entertaining. Michelle Bates has done a great job. If you’re just curious, she will inspire you. If you’re into the plastic fantastic, she’ll motivate you. And if you’ve been doing this stuff for years, she’ll make you feel good about yourself. It’s about time somebody did it, and I don’t think anyone could have done it better.
Kent Nunamaker
I’ve got copies here, and would be happy to send signed, personalized ones out. Just give a shout!
I hope everyone’s enjoying the book!
Posted in Photography at 6:40 pm by Michelle
The book is now out in the world, with three official parties to send it off in style.
In New York City, Photo Plus was the center of a convergence of photographers for several days. My publisher, Focal Press, had a booth at the show, and on the first day, I parked myself there for a few hours to meet people, see the reactions to the book, and sign copies. The next couple of days was a mish-mosh of more of the same, wandering around the show meeting and catching up with people, always with book in hand, a dinner with several Focal authors and staff, a friend’s book launch party for “Worldchanging: A User’s Guide to the 21st Century”, and, of course, my book party.
After the absurd adventure of shopping and trying to find a table in Manhattan, we gathered at Robin Rice Gallery in Chelsea on Friday night for my New York book launch celebration, and it was great! We had a wonderful mix of folks, including my family, New York and Seattle friends, some folks from the photo world, and 6 contributors to the book! There was much enjoying of drinks and snacks, looking at Gordon Stettinius’ beautiful photos on the walls, talking about photography and other things, and trading of business cards.
The rest of the week included the Lucie Awards (an amazing selection of world-class photographers), seeing my friend Victoria Haas in the film “Approaching Union Square”, meeting up with family, and checking out my book on the shelves at Barnes & Noble and the International Center of Photography bookstore – a dream come true!
From the New York party: Contributors Megan Green, Susan Bowen, Pauline St Denis, Gordon Stettinius, me, Mary Ann Lynch, & Nancy Burson.
Michelle & Teru Kuwayama at his show closing party at Fastback Books.
~love & art,
Posted in Photography at 7:46 am by Michelle
So, you may have guessed from the link on the front of my site, that the book has been published and is now out in the world! (The blog was down for a bit while I was switching servers). Back in September, I got the cover (and just the cover) in the mail, and showed that first physical manifestation of all my hard work around for a week with all sorts of excitement. Only a few folks dared to open it up and ask, “Where’s the rest?” with a smile.
Then, on September 22nd, I got my first copy. It took my breath away. It’s cute and small and has a lovely weight to it. The pages are glossy, the cover is rich and colorful and has those great flaps. I walked out of the house clutching it to my chest, and heading right towards me was a man clutching his baby to his chest in just the same way. No explanation needed there.
There was a problem with the first print run, so getting the rest of the copies was delayed a few weeks. I had a few more to show around and give where they were needed right away (the PCNW auction, my dad, etc), and the rest of the books finally showed up a couple of days before my first launch party, whew!
That first shindig was on Vashon Island at the Blue Heron Arts Center, a place where I spent many years helping other artists with their shows, hung my work several times, and enjoyed the art and performances of many friends. It’s a warm place close to my heart, and it was lovely to be surrounded by friends and, finally, the book in physical form. In fact, the line of the month since I’ve gotten a hold of it is, “Look – it’s a book!”
The following night I held a launch party in in Seattle at the Photographic Center Northwest. This is another place I’ve spent lots of time over the years – printing, taking classes, volunteering, lecturing, and teaching workshops, since 1992. It was great to celebrate the release of the book there, along with many friends and colleagues, and delicious food and a book cake by Tiberio! And everyone got a chance to be bug out and be in the book cover!
It’s been an exciting couple of months, and this week brings my New York launch party and more fun at Photo Plus Expo. More on that to come!
Posted in Photography, Uncategorized at 6:41 am by Michelle
I find myself in the glorious position of just having given final approval for the cover, and hence the entirety, of my book, which will now sail off to the printer for immortalization. Not only that, but I’m at the Burning Man festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, the sun has just come up , I have cameras in my bag, and three more days to revel in this glorious festival of art and community, without a care in the world…
It’s actually done!!!
See the final cover on my website homepage, and I’ll post a bigger version here when I get home.
Thanks for everyone’s support – I can’t wait to show it all to you!
love and art,
Posted in Photography at 1:55 pm by Michelle
My head is spinning, and I keep finding myself walking around in circles. Could it be that I’m really done? Well, the manuscript has been massaged, photos added, images placed at the start of each chapter, and now it’s out of my hands. For a while, anyway. Now, it seems, everything gets proofread, and then sent off to India for compositing. In a month or so, I get to review the final layout and make any last mintute edits or changes. And come the beginning of October, it’ll be sitting in all of our hands! Strangely enough, it’s already up on Amazon! I don’t know how many books they sell, but today I’m #1,263,217 in sales. Pretty good for a book that’s not going to be out for 3 1/2 months! That’s not the final cover, by the way; that’ll be coming soon.
Thanks for everyone’s support during this long haul of a project.
Now, out into the sunshine!
Posted in Photography at 11:14 am by Michelle
Gosh, I thought when I handed my manuscript in in February that the hard work was over. I was wrong! In an effort to polish up the writing, I’ve been editing, rewriting and reorganizing the whole shebang with the help of the fabulous Mary Ann Lynch. t’s quite a process, but I’m glad to have the opportunity to focus on the writing, since the image aquisition was so overwhelming during the initial preparation phase. I’m grateful for the patience of my editors!
Next is working with the layout folks to place the images within the design – that sounds like fun!
And sometime during all this, I’m really going to get around to organizing all the images from the Moisture Festival and Chautauqua Tour! Links will be forthcoming.
And, I’m starting to plan for the book release party in New York during Photo Plus, November 2-4. If anyone has ideas for a suitable venue, let me know. Thanks!
Never a dull day in photo-ville!
Posted in Photography at 10:39 am by Michelle
I’m on the road, finally!
After sitting in front of a computer all winter, I’ve packed up my Holgas, Nikons, and whatever else I could fit in my little van and have hit the road. I’m heading east and south, with the goal being Bay St Louis, Mississippi. There, I’ll be hooking up with the New Old Time Chautauqua, a group of performers & musicians with vaudevillian roots, to tour around the Gulf Coast. There will be around 50 of us there, including the Flying Karamazov Brothers, spending a week teaching workshops, doing parades, performing, and pitching in to the relief effort around Mississippi and New Orleans. We’ll be in the hardest hit areas, which, according to my friend Jer, who was down there recently, are “still broken”. And all the activities will be free!
I will be the official tour photographer, which is an incredible opportunity! I’ve been wanting to go along “on Chautauqua” for a few years now to one of their normal tours in rural areas of the Northwest. But this gives me the chance to capture the Chautauqua in action and interacting with this unique group of communities, the area, and get an awesome road trip in to boot!
I’ll try to post some during the tour, but we will have an offical blogger, Barbara Stahr from YES! Magazine, and I’ll try to get images up with her posts.
And, I’d love to try to drum up some support for the tour. As I said, it’ll all be free for the communities down there, and all the money we get will go to running the tour (most folks are paying their own way down), plus, anything over that we raise will go directly to the groups we’ll be working with, such as Common Ground and Emergency Communities. For more info about the tour, see the Chautauqua site (including the schedule of performances), and see our fundraising letter for more details about what we’re up to and how to donate.
The tour is April 18-23rd. I’m currently in Utah, getting my car worked on, enjoying the scenery, doing some work on the book, and getting in some of the best roller blading ever, and, hopefully, I still should get there on time. Stay tuned for more updates!
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